Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Rejected Reality

Constantly we are asked to share what we feel, what we think. Sometimes we'd rather not say for whatever reason, but we are pushed to answer anyways. If we're lucky, it all goes over well; the other person doesn't care and/or accepts what you have to say. But for us not-so-lucky ones (and more often so), our thoughts are denied and labeled wrong, invalid. They are out of range to a closed mind, and shut out of acceptance.  

So my question for the ones who wanted to know our thoughts in the first place is: what makes somebody's  feelinds wrong? invalid? unacceptable?

It's how you feel, and nobody can change that but yourself. It's not a chain of thoughts or logic; your feelings come from your heart, not your head, and they are what makes you you. It makes me sad to say that some people fail to accept that, fail to accept others for what they are and how they feel. They have no right to judge that what you say is indeed a false statement; if it's real to you and you believe it, it's not a lie, but a truth to you in it's entirety.

And it is one of the most frustrating things in the world to feel: to know that somebody else denies what you feel as true. Nobody is right all the time, but everybody is right sometimes. That's the truth that a lot of people love to label a lie. But it's not, so don't let them fool you into thinking so.

Feel all your own, think independently of others. Stand alone with the rest of this Quiet Rebellion, cut your ties to their lies and blossom as a wholly original you. Don't listen to what they have to say, most of the time it's not important anyways.

What I can tell you is that you'll never be happy if you're tethered to other people. The vine never reaches the sky because it depends on the wall. Be independant of that wall and listen to what your heart and head tell you. They'll take you farther than the illusioned map others have painted for you.

Untill next time, good luck,

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