Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Rorschach Reality

Take a look at the photo to the right. What do you see?

Now, what if I told you that there really isn't anything there but an inkblot?

Quite a few people would argue that if somebody showed you this picture asking them to find something, then there would need to be something in it to find. But who would decide what was there to be found, if there isn't anything definite in it to begin with? the person who smeared the ink on the paper? the people being subjected to it? or the person presenting it?

You see what you want to see in it, nothing more, nothing less. You want to see winged figures, you see winged figures. You want to see insects, you see insects. Yet, neither are there.

My point here is that there is nothing definite in this world and it is all open to perception and opinion. There's no saying that the winged figures you might see in this picture are beautiful or ugly, because they only exist that way to you. They might be the most hideous things this world has ever seen to somebody else. But in another aspect, those winged figures may not even be there to someone else.

Nobody is right to say that the winged figures are really winged bugs, but neither are they wrong. So who's to say that you're right or wrong?

 They "call" paranormal experiences and religious visions hallucinations. They "name" thoughtful, maybe slightly morbid thoughts depression. They "diagnose" big concerns as anxiety and other sides of ourselves as schizophrenia or multiple personality disorder. But, like I stated earlier, all there is to it is opinion. There is no right, no wrong, no normal. Just opinions.Which means that people we label "bipolar", "depressed", "ADD", etc. might not have anything wrong with them at all. They might just be a bit different than what professionals might consider normal (which they can't really define, anyhow). So what's with all the criticism?

People always give me strange looks when I say things that go over their heads, but I could give them strange looks for their not understanding. Instead, I just laugh. I try not to let their closed minds get to me, and shrug off their laughter.

Who cares what they think, anyways? Most of the time their thoughts aren't even worth caring for. So shrug off society, Quiet Rebellion, and go farther than they ever will. So long as you aren't bound by the small range of a closed mind, you will go places others will never see, no doubt about it.

All we really are are tendencies, thoughts, and memories (watch What the Bleep Do We Know and The Secret and you'll know what I mean). We see what we want and witness what we believe. So use it to your advantage. Go out and take the world by storm with amazing insights and ground-shaking ideas. Go show them what this world can really do; wrack their minds. Do what they can't.

On a tangent to this, realizing that we aren't really anything more than our thoughts, tendencies and memories with a pinch of beliefs, why isn't our society a bit different?

We go to school, more school, then work and work until our retirement for a supposed "greater good". But what is the goal that we are trying to reach? We all die before it is reached, and our lives are molded by the system into a mostly-meaninless existence working so others can do their own work. What is done? The wheels keep turning. Society as we know it seems to keep moving. But where is it going?

We don't accomplish much, and the destination is always on the horizon. Well, at least, when we don't look outside the system that has been pre-determined for us since before we were born. If we take a step outside the boundaries and venture into adventure, so much more can be gained. We can learn things that a cubicle-dweller will never see, things that won't cross workers' minds, things that even philosophers might not imagine.

The government and it's ways seem to ignore this fact and force the omission of this possibility from the knowledge it's people are allowed to have. The thing that the gears don't know is, though, that we could gain so much more from a freer people. Some of the best of things could be invented if a great mind was set out upon the world to see the problems that need to be fixed. Correction: if an open great mind was sent out upon the world. We could see the changes for the better in the "greater good" much sooner. In our own generation and lifetime, if not in our children's.

We could reach enlightenment, we could find out what love truly feels like, what adventure and real freedom are made of.  Things that may only be read in books could happen to us if we sought it.

Reality check: it might not be so possible to live well while abondoning the ways of conventional society. However, we can always go our own way along the path. Our minds can always stay open, our thought broad. We can still learn what everybody needs to know while we go to college and work. The horizons are far off and vast; our minds will never run out of room for the things they are open to. Just do what you want to do and do it the best you can.

Make the paranormal normal and the impossible possible. You'll see what life is really meant for.

Good luck until next time,